Tuesday, 2 November 2010

More Lanvin for H&M!!!

And here is more from the collection from Vogue.com, some with prices listed:

So excited!!! :D

Lanvin for H&M - Men's Collection

Latest Pictures of the Lanvin for H&M Men's Collection!!!

Monday, 6 September 2010

H&M & Lanvin Collaboration - 23rd November 2010

I absolutely can’t wait for the collection to be revealed! I read that there will also be lipstick in the collection.....ooooo.....Will you be queuing on the day to grab a few goodies??

H&M Press Release

Sunday, 5 September 2010

What’s your style of shoes?

My favourite has got to be flats, not only are they comfortable but you can run a mile in them (Not like I do… won’t even run for a bus ;))

As I go to work in heels during the weekdays, it’s good to give your feet a good rest in the weekend. Don’t get me wrong, I do like a good pair of heels too! Great on a night out to glam up your outfit. Here are some shoes in drooling over right now….

Christian Louboutin - Decollete 100 Jazz Pumps in patent colour Black
Salvatore Ferragamo – Varina in patent colour Dark Red
What do you prefer? Flats or Heels? and what shoes are you dying to get your hands on right now??

My Skin History & Daily Skincare Routine

Beep Beep! Beware long post ahead!!

My Skin Type – Combination. Dry in the winter but gets oily in the t-zone area really quickly
So I’ve never been someone with the best skin, there is always something I’m not happy about, whether it is uneven skin tone, blemishes or an oil-slick face!

For as long as I remember I have always used facial cleansers from Simple, which is widely available in the UK. In 2006 I got a sudden breakout which wouldn’t go away, so I decided to try more expensive skin care and it was the worse idea ever. I went to visit a Clinique counter and purchased the Anti-Blemish Solutions Cleansing Foam and the Clarifying Lotion in No. 2. Unfortunately these products did nothing for my skin but break me out more. The cleansing foam really smelt like something I’ll use clean a bathroom with and really dried out my skin, and the Clarifying Lotion in No. 2 stung my face.

I had read that when you try out new products to give it a good month to test it so that your skin has a chance to work with it. So I stuck by 1 month, 2 months and 3 months to the point where it was very apparent that these products were not for me. I really wanted them to work with my skin seeing as I spent £27 on both. Now they are sitting in my bathroom cabinet half used.

So I went back to using the Simple Facial Cleansing Mousse which didn’t heal my skin, but just kept it in the same state I was left with since using the Clinique products.

A few months later Simple decided to discontinue the Facial Cleansing Mousse so I was pretty much forced to use something else. I decided to stick with Simple and chose the next best thing closest to the Cleansing Mousse…the Simple Moisturising Foaming Facial Wash. I have been using this ever since and is mild enough for my skin as to not cause any irritations or leave my skin feeling dry and tight. But again this didn’t heal my skin either so I was in search of a product to rectify my problem.

Reluctant to spend too much on new products, I decided to go back to Boots (UK’s largest drugstore) and picked up the St Ives Radiance Cleanser Apricot Cream Wash - Blemish Fighting:
I absolutely love this product and can’t live without it. I’ve been using this for about 9 months now and can say my face has completely cleared up of blemishes and old blemish scars. I’m convinced it was the Salicylic Acid that cured my breakout problem and I continue to use this everyday to help prevent new spots from appearing.

I also found that I must have washed my face too much in the past, so I stopped washing my face in the morning with products and used just warm water and a flannel to clean it. I think this helped a lot to cure my skin as well.

I do still get the odd blemish now and again, but that’s my fault as I love oily fried food. Crisps lover anyone?  :P

As of now here is my skin care routine:

1.      Wash face 3 times with warm water and flannel
2.      E45 face cream
1.      Garnier Clean And Fresh Ultra Gentle Makeup Remover
2.      Simple Moisturising Foaming Facial Wash
3.      St Ives Radiance Cleanser Apricot Cream Wash - Blemish Fighting
4.      E45 face cream

For those annoying spots that show up now and again I’ll use my trusted Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clarifying Lotion, which helps to dry up spots and speed up healing:
Hope this was interesting to read and not tooooo long :) What products work best for you? I’d love to know!

Thursday, 19 August 2010

So you may ask…. Why am I only just starting up a blog now?

Really it was a spur of the moment thing….you know sometimes you get that feeling that you just want to get out there and do something new?

Well recently I have really been thinking about making my own jewellery. I have a particular style I like and take inspiration from Japanese fashion. Living in the UK means it’s always hard to find the type of jewellery I like and it seems the only time I can find them is when on holiday in Asia. So what better ways to find jewellery than designing and making them yourself! I will one day start to make some! Promise! And this is where I’ll showcase them :)

I’m also really into beauty and makeup; it’s how I got introduced to the world of blogging in the first place. It all started back in 2006 when I came across a site called Asian Beauty Blog, where all makeup lovers will gather and post their ideas, tips, how-to’s, and pictures. I may not be brave enough to post any pictures of myself but I sure will post info on new products I have tried or my findings for just about anything I find interesting.

My first proper post to start off my blogging venture will be my daily skincare routine, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

So it’s all gotta start somewhere...

Indeed I’m joining the blogging scene really late but like they say... better late than never. I've always wanted to start my own seeing as I've been a follower of beauty blogs and youtube channels since as early as 2006. The sheer time and dedication fellow bloggers and youtubers put into their work still amazes me today.

This blog will not just concentrate on one thing; it will really be a collection of all sorts, from beauty, skincare, makeup and fashion to jewellery and food and all things pretty and cute! So if you are a blog follower or a blogger yourself, please remember to stop by, check me out and watch this space….